Purpose. The following procedures are designed to provide a means for undergraduate students to petition for review of final course grades alleged to be incorrect. 在提出正式上诉之前, students are urged to resolve grievances informally with the instructor of the course. Students filing a written appeal shall be expected to abide by the final decision of the committee, 如本程序所规定. This decision precludes any further review under any other procedure within the University.

Conditions. A student may seek a review of a final grade if he or she feels that one of the following conditions applies:

  • A grade was assigned on some basis other than performance in the course, or
  • the standards applied to a grade were not the same as those applied to other students in the course, or
  • the assigned grade represents a substantial and unannounced departure from the instructor’s previously stated standards.

Procedures. 一个学生如果觉得自己的成绩不正确,就应该

  1. 及时与课程讲师协商. If the instructor is unavailable and cannot be reached by the student after a reasonable effort, then the student shall consult with the chair of the department offering the course. If the student and instructor or department chair are unable to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution, the student may fi le an appeal within twenty (20) days after the first day of class of the next semester (not including summers) with a standing committee of three (3) tenured faculty members of the department offering the course. 如果课程的讲师是委员会的成员, he or she shall be replaced by a tenured faculty member selected by the chair of the department.
  2. File an appeal by submitting to the departmental committee a detailed statement regarding the alleged improper grade, 以及任何相关的证据. 有下列情形之一的,上诉应予驳回
  1. the student has submitted the same or substantially the same complaint to any other grade review procedure,
  2. 申诉不及时,或者
  3. the student has not conferred with the instructor or department chair before filing the appeal.
  1. 允许部门委员会采取行动. 如果上诉不被驳回, the committee shall submit a copy of the student’s written appeal to the instructor with a request for a prompt written reply.
  2. Work toward a mutually agreeable solution in concert with the committee and the instructor. 如果不能达成双方都同意的解决方案, the committee shall advise both the student and the instructor that the matter has been sent to the dean of the academic unit offering the course. The dean of the academic unit shall convene a committee of three (3) tenured faculty members from departments outside of the department offering the course. This committee shall hold an informal, non- adversarial fact-finding meeting concerning the dispute. Both the student and the instructor shall be entitled to be present throughout this meeting and to present any evidence deemed relevant, except the student shall not be present during the discussion of any other student. Neither the student nor the instructor shall be accompanied by counsel, an advocate, or a representative. 会议不对外开放. 在调查会议之后, if the majority of the committee finds that the evidence supports the student’s complaint, the committee shall take any action thought to rectify the situation, including, but not limited to:
    • 指导老师重新给学生的作业打分,
    • directing the instructor to administer a new final examination or paper in the course,
    • directing the cancellation of the student’s registration in the course, or
    • 如果没有合理的替代方案, 指导教师在课程中给予“及格”的分数.

The committee is not authorized to award a letter grade or to reprimand, or otherwise, 对指导员采取纪律处分. 委员会的决定是最终决定 并应当及时书面报告当事人. The dean of the academic unit has the responsibility for implementing the decision of the committee. 如果指导员是系主席, the dean of the college/school must form a committee of a minimum of three (3) tenured faculty members from the college.  如果指导员是学院/学校的院长, the provost or his/her designee will hear the grievance and render a decision, or will form a committee of a minimum of three (3) tenured faculty members from outside the college/school to review and address the grievance and make a recommendation to the provost.  If the departmental committee’s decision differs from that of the college/school committee, then the dean of the college/school shall render a final decision with the approval of the provost.  In the event the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at the departmental or college/school levels, the grievant may directly appeal the decision to the provost who has the authority to hear the grievance or refer it to a committee outside the college/school.  收到委员会的建议后, provost shall make a final decision and inform the parties involved, 并应及时采取纠正措施.

